There's no better teacher than experience and hands-on for beekeeping. Unique and one of a kind opportunity to actually work the bees in actual bee hives for after your first year under the guidance of an experienced beekeeper. You will be learning how to use the tools, what you are looking for, tests for pests and have personal hands-on experience working in hives for an entire bee season. Fast track your learning through the mentorship of a UF Advanced Master Beekeeper.
Join us every 2 weeks on Saturday of each month for as long as you like.
You and your fellow beekeepers will suit up and partner up to take care of three 5-frame NUCs, grow them to 10-frame hives, do splits and re-queen as needed, harvest honey and all the tasks in between that may be needed for the year. Want to continue your learning experience in beekeeping and fine tune your techniques? REGISTER today!
First 15-20 min starts with an overview of the Best Management Practices for the month as well as the Tasks to be completed today
Next hour or so, we’ll suit up conduct the hive inspections on the NUCs and any increases made from those NUCs as well as look for any seasonally relevant events and what you should be doing in your hives. You'll be filling out a hive inspection report at each session as part of your bee journal that you will be compiling through out the year.
During the course of the year, We’ll observe, discuss and complete the following:
The last 15-20min of end of each session, the group will fill out their hive inspection reports for each colony and we will discuss what to prepare for the next session.
We will post the hive inspection reports in an online portal, where you can review the progress of the 3 NUCs throughout the year. as well as other bonus material.
Have questions between sessions? or not sure what you see in your hives at your own apiary? We will be available between sessions for Q&A through a private What'sApp group. Feel free to post any interesting research, pictures from your hives that might interest others in the group.
You will also receive a "Bee Journal" notebook that you will bring to each session to add handouts and your hive reports as an invaluable resource for years going forward. This will guide you on what to do with your hives at your own apiary during the year and in the future
This is a month-by-month commitment with a limited number of seats, so if you feel you can no longer attend, please let us know so we can open the seat to someone on the waitlist that would like to. If you discontinue and want to rejoin the group, you may be able to rejoin if a new seat comes available after the waitlist has been fulfilled. As much as we would like 100% attendance, we understand that life happens and things change.
Sign up for the Next BeeMentoring here This is a requirement to participate in the mentoring program, so we know everyone started with the same basics. If you register without being a prior student, your registration will be cancelled and refunded.